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Service Pack 1 für die deutsche ACT! 16.00 Version ist da...

Verfasst: Mittwoch 23. Juli 2014, 15:27
von Robert Schellmann
Hallo ACT! 16.00 Anwender,

das Service Pack 1 für die deutsche Verison von ACT! 16 (Pro/Premium) ist erschienen. Durch diese Update wird ACT! von der Version auf die Version angehoben.

ACHTUNG! Alle ACT!-Clients und ACT!-Server müssen dieses Update durchführen!

Jeweilige Update-Setups für die Pro-, Premium- und Premium for Web-Variante können gedownloadet werden. ACT! 16 Updates

Falls Sie ein komplettes Setup für eine Neuinstallation brauchen, können Sie dieses über unseren Demo-Download bekommen.

Neu ist der Bereich für E-Marketing und ein ACT!-Marketplace und eine Verwaltungsfenster für die Plug-Ins.

Interessanter sind die Kurrekturen:
Issue Number Description
102921 Logged out of database when after searching company from left navbar
103047 Contacts with company names will not sync with company creation enabled
103091 All left navigation tab names and main menu tab names are not translated to french language.
103207 Logged out of database when after searching company from left navbar
103212 Logged out of database after searching groups from left navbar
103215 Remote database syncs all attachments and ignores sync set
103238 Logged out of database after searching groups from left navbar
102097 APFW Advance query on Opportunity Product
102802 Iincorrect numbers on "Act! Premium Registration and Activation Wizard"
102939 No ADT option when using 'Save As' in Word 2013
102997 New BFU for v16
103022 Editing Phone number in APFW, cursor jumps to end of field rather than staying in place
103026 No option for custom Date range in APFW
103042 “Invalid Datasource” error display when load the customer report template.
103046 No option for custom Date range in APFW
103048 Import - Dates imported from Excel or CSV change to US format or don't import
103056 Universal Search not searching on custom fields
103126 Secondary Contacts Missing from New Remote Database
103159 Clearing a recurring to-do creates a new activity for the original date of the activity after upgrading to v16
98160 Phone Formats not respecting the info on "My Record"
98914 Images display twice if mail merge to 2 or more people is viewed on IPhone
99056 Advanced Query or Group Criteria doesn't work if you use Contact and Opportunity criteria
100220 Test connection button isn't enabled until you go to another field or tab.
100890 Activities imported to Microsoft Outlook will not synchronize with Sage ACT!
101092 Date format changed during sync
101214 Error: "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '48' Key being added: '48'
101608 Users with the Browse role are able to import contacts via the ‘Synchronise with Outlook’ function
101690 Changing the 'Duration' does not Affect the 'End Date' of an Activity when 'Start Time' set to Timeless
101691 Copying the contents of a Time field to a Character field prefixes a date
101694 Icons lost in the menu bar after restarting ACT
102018 APFW - Target arrow not accurate on Closed Sales to Date dashboard component
102045 Highlighted contact lost when Contact List sorted
102047 Unable to use an ampersand in Email signature via the Web preferences
102071 Unable to add Location column to Activity List Dashboard
102104 Raising Follow-up Activity in APFW, saves the details with HTML tags when viewed in the ACT software
102138 Notes/history report not pulling through deleted contacts histories
102181 Activity Series as trigger does not force a "save"
102182 Schedule activity series from opportunity not scheduling with correct contact
102191 Search never completes when searching on a % sign
102194 Chrome - "No Records Found" dialog box does not function
102836 Cannot select item on history list after doing a keyword search
102882 Custom annual event fields used in Advanced Lookup cause other criteria to be ignored.
102908 Poor error description when trying to setup email integration in a remote database
102909 When calculated field added to Opportunity layout, creating new Opp from a contact displays the 1st opportunity in the list
102919 Calculated fields do not work for new contacts of company/contact field is blank
102922 APFW - Company Ellipsis on contact card, for new contacts linking to existing companies, does not respond
102924 APFW – Deleting field from database, before removing from layout, causes white screen in layout designer
102937 No Grid Lines in Opportunity Tab on Company Record
102965 "More options" feature in side bar of list view does not display search options when accessing through web browser
102978 Email Mail merge does nothing if you used the same template in succession(web)
102992 Dashboard doesn't retain last viewed
102994 Can't amend 'user' field after editing equivalent 'opportunity' field
103013 IE - Create new user from contact loses focus when typing on contact name
103107 German Untranslated strings occurs on "Act! Premium Registration and Activation Wizard (1 of 6)" dialog.
103109 Sort order in APFW Opportunities
103120 Quote template via APFW displays in $
99201 Linking contact to company locates the correct company but does not give it focus
100743 Printing envelopes using the 'DL' template prints one additional blank page
101033 Unable to change background colour on some tabs in layout designer
101259 Web info tab displays twitter mobile site
101469 Next button displays ‘Import’ after going backwards in the Import Wizard
101789 ActDiag does not Cancel when asking for verification to proceed
102192 Chrome - Persistent data from prior contact in preview pane
102193 Chrome - Timezone dialog does not render correctly
Robert Schellmann

Verfasst: Dienstag 5. August 2014, 13:21
von Robert Schellmann

wir haben den Download der Update-Pakete vorläufig deaktiviert. Bei zwei Kunden sind defekte ACT! Installationen nach dem Update übergeblieben. Das Update von ACT! Pro hat auf unseren Testsystemen nie funktioniert.

Wir empfehlen nur die Vollversions-Setups aus unserem Demo -Downloadbereich zu verwenden. Zuvor muss ACT! 16.0 komplett deinstalliert werden. Alle ACT!-Reste im Installations- und Microsoft .NET 4 GAC-Ordner (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\) müssen gelöscht werden, bevor man das Vollversions-Setup von ACT! 16.1 verwendet.

Robert Schellmann